Saturday, July 31, 2010

Whats up

Today is Sunday! Usually on Sunday my family and I go to church in the morning and come back at lunch time and spend the rest of the afternoon doing what we feel like. But today only my Dad and my two brothers are going to church because everyone else is sick. We've just got a little cold.

Yesterday Naomi and I didn't have hockey because the grass fields we were going to play on were to wet. But thankfully we will be having a catch up game!!! I love catch up games because their usually played at night and it is so cool playing when it's dark and the lights are on.

Today my big brother is going up to stay with our Grandfather while our Granny go's for a little holiday. I think he's really looking forward to it.

Yesterday the poll that was for my background closed. My new background received 6 votes and the old one only got 2 so I think I will be keeping the new on. It's nice to have a fresh change every now and then.

It's a really nice sunny day here today!! There's not a cloud in sight. I love sunny days.

That's a update on what has been happening here.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Sunny days are my fav too! It would be fun to play at dark!
