Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Robin Hood!!!!!! :(

Last Saturday night the last episode of the BBC Robin Hood was on.
I'm very disappointed because Robin Hood DIED!!!!!!!!!

The reason why he died is because the Jonas Armstrong, (the guy who plays Robin) said that season 3 was the last season he was going to be in. So the Producer and all the other people making the movie set it all up so that they could continue the show expecting to do and season 4. But BBC decided that they weren't going to do a season 4 after they had finished season 3.

If they were going to do another season I think Archer would have been the new Robin Hood. It is rather annoying that they finished it show like that. Although I think when they killed Marion, it ruined the show a bit.

I sure hope I didn't spoil it for you. That's how we found out Robin died. A lady from our church gets up every week to do what we call announcements, and she has 2 kids who really like Robin Hood. On the night of the final episode we decided to watch something else that was on TV and watch Robin Hood the next day on a website called iview. We planned to watch it after church. But when the lady got up to do the announcements she told everyone that Robin Hood died. So that ruined it for us a little bit.

I've really enjoyed the 3 season of Robin Hood. I would of liked it if they did some more.


CB, Tigger and Will Treaty said...

So that's why Robin died.

Christine said...

Knowing why he died makes it a little better, but still...
I think it was SO sad! I crying before he died, but then when Marian walked out of the forest....I completely LOST IT!!!
Anyway, thanks for the review and I'm definitely going to take the quiz :D


Vellvin said...

I always hated tghe ending of Robin Hoood books! I haven'tr actually seen the BBC versions but I love Robin Hood!