Friday, October 9, 2009

The Prinecess Bride

Over the last few weeks my family and I have been watching and enjoying the movie The Princess Bride.

I would give it a 4 out of 5 star rating.

I absolutely love the hero Wesley. He's dashing, smart and in one way funny.

I found Buttercup quite beautiful and honest. In a way I felt quite sorry for her the first time I saw the movie.
I also really like Inigo Montoya. His father was killed be a six fingered man when he was young, so from then on he dedicated his life to finding the man who killed his father. He found the six fingered man eventually, he turned out to be the princes right hand man. Inigo Montoya killed him.

The Princess Bride is a nice movie, there's action, true love, fighting and lots of other great things about the movie.


Enbrethiliel said...


This movie is great fun! =D Watch it often enough and you'll be quoting from it for the rest of your life.

Did you know that Andre the Giant did not speak any English when he was making this movie? He had to learn all his lines and cues phonetically.

Grace said...

Wow I didn't know that.

It must have been hard for him.

Enbrethiliel said...


And yet he says his lines so naturally, doesn't he? =)

PS--Cary Elwes and Robin Wright have made another movie together this year. Well, sort of . . . If it's an animated movie, does it count? =P I mean the new Christmas Carol by Robert Zemeckis, but Elwes' and Wright's characters don't really have any scenes together. =(

Grace said...

Yes he does say his words so naturally.

Annie said...

Is the movie PG????
Sounds interesting.

Grace said...

I'm not sure.

When my family and I watched there were a
few bits that we needed to skip but the rest was funny and very good to watch.

Esther said...

This is one of my family's favorite movies.

Annie said...

Hi Grace

Just want to tell you that your heading says THE PRINECESS BRIDE. It should be THE PRINCESS BRIDE.

Tell me if I have any spelling mistakes on my blog :) :) :)