I have been counting down the days until Christmas. I just think its a fun thing to do.
For us Aussies there are only 3 days till Christmas and 2 days till Christmas Eve!!!
I will probably be getting my first Christmas present for this year on Christmas Eve. We are going to visit my Grandfather and Granny (grandparents) on Christmas Eve. Every year my Granny gets out 8 big red stockings and stuffs them with little gifts and chocolates and lollies!!!! We really love getting our stockings and exploring inside of them.
I don't know what I want for Christmas, I have already got what I really wanted through the year.
- A laptop
- A brand new cricket bat
- And Money for a Hockey stick
Through the year I have been lucky enough to get all these things.
So I guess this year I will need to wait and until Christmas day until I have any idea of what I'm
This year my family are going to each chip in a bit of money and put it together and select a gift that people can use overseas. Like........ we might select a chicken and a chicken will be given to someone overseas who needs it. By spending money on people who really need it, we are sorta giving to Jesus in a way.
What do you guys want for Christmas??
I just want some books for Christmas, well other things too. I think it would be awesome if I could get a camera. But I think the best part of Christmas is probably just seeing everyone be happy.
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think we are getting a goat for overseas.
I wish we could have stocking with lollies and little gifts in them.
Anyway hope you have a super duper Christmas!
Love, Annie.
Thanks guys.
I just want pretty much just books ☺
Merry Christmas in advance Grace!!!
Our parcel will be a little late.
Love Vellvin.
I don't have a clue what I want. But our church does sort of what your doing for overseas.
We do a thing sort of like that, we give money overseas to a family every month.
Hey Grace I'm getting a Lego train named THE EMERALD NIGHT, I'll be posting about it soon after Christmas. I also got tracks. Now I am saving for the Power Functions to motorize it.
Oh could you do a post for me to support one of my friends
I'll find your email and send it to you
jEsSe M.
My family doesn't really celebrate Chrissie any more :( like... e get pressie... but we don't have a Chrissie tree or any decos :(
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