Sunday, November 13, 2011

A New Blogger Award

I was given this award by Vellvin. Thanks Vellvin.

Ok, according to the rules of the award, I must share seven things with you.... so here we go.

1. We have had about four thunder storms in two days here. Last night we had a real beauty of a storm with with a great show of lightning.

2. I played three games of cricket over the weekend, now my hamstrings are pretty sore.

3.My laptop is feeling really nice and warm on my lap at the moment. *ahhhhh*

4. It's my birthday in about two weeks.

5. I'm super excited about Christmas approaching.

6. There was just a two second black out here.

7. I'm immensely scared that the up coming week of cricket will be washed out due to rain.

Now, I must pas this award on to 5 other people.

Alice over at Me & My Sisters and Alice's Place. I love popping over to Alice's blog, she writes so well, has such a great sense of humour and a really nice blog.

Annie at Ocean Heart. Annie has a great blog, have been friends for a long time and I love to read her blog and read about her world.

Naomi at One Out Of 8. My twin sister, her blog is umm well....... its not that great and, I'm just teasing you Naomi. Naomi has great blog and is enjoying her recently discovered skill of taking photos.

Lauren over at Jilla. Lauren has been writing a big story about a horse called Jilla. It is really good. She writes really well and the story has been very enjoyable so far.

And last not least iGirl. iGirls blog is iDream, her blog is really nice, she write about all sorts of interesting things and is quite the writer too.

I wish I could pass this award on to more people, but I can't. So there you are girls, an award from me, to you.


Alice said...

Thank you so much Grace! Made my blogging day, it has!
Hey, your blog is looking FABULOUS! I love it. And 45 followers! Wow. *jealous* Hehe :P xo

Lauren said...

Thank you so much Grace! It was really nice to read a quick summery of my blog. I always like to hear what people think of it (:

Thank you sooo much for the award!!!

God Bless


Grace said...

You are must welcome girls.
