Thursday, November 26, 2009

Drama and Choir

For the last 4 weeks my sister Naomi and one of my brothers and quite a few other children from our local homeschooling group have been having Choir and Drama lessons.

I think I enjoy the Drama better than the Choir but I'm probably better at the Choir than Drama.

I like to talk and experiment with my voice and try make different sounds and talk in different ways.

I also love to act. At home Naomi and three of my other brothers and sisters have made two films (with our old Video Camera), one of Cinderella and the other of The Three Bears.

In the Cinderella film I played an ugly step sister, it turned out to be in a way funny and very silly!

In the Three Bears film I played Goldy Locks. I think I did a pretty good job at acting her but I preferred acting the ugly step sister.

Naomi was the directer of both the films because whenever she acts in films or plays or something like that she laughs so she can't say what she needs to say.

I think I'm pretty good at choir because at the church my family and I go, about twice a month Naomi, Elise and I are rostered on to play guitar and keyboard and sing with another lady. I usually lead 2 songs every time I'm rostered on so I do sing quite a bit.

It has been really fun having the Drama and Choir lessons!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Honest Scrap

I've been tagged by CB. Thankyou CB.

Here are the rules. 

-Thank the person who gave the award to you

-Post ten honest facts about yourself

-Pass the award onto seven others.

No.1 I'm short for my age

No.2 I love to email people

No.3 I love to run and play sport

No.4 I share a double bed with my twin sister

No.5 I need to wear glasses with close up things

No.6 I have long blonde hair and it goes a little bit green in our pool

No.7 I hate hanging out washing and I hate doing dinner clean up

No.8 I love to draw and paint

No.9 I have a awesome family

No.10 I'm five minutes older than my twin sister Naomi

Thats ten Honest facts about me.

I don't know seven blogs, so whoever would like to be tagged please leave a comment.

But for now I'm going to tag Naomi and Annie.