Now, I have to list seven random things about myself that you may not know.
1. I have asthma
2. I have a big chicken pox scare on my back
3. I always plait my hair before going to bed
4. I love playing the games Twister and Balderdash
5. When my hair gets wet, it goes all curly
6. I adore Huskies!
7. I don't have a clue on what I want to do when I grow up
Now, I have to tag 15 other bloggers.
Holly Roses & Bluebells
Naomi One out of 8
Vellvin An Irish Maiden
Annie Ocean Heart
Anna Bella Vita
Monica Laughin' At Cloulds
Bailey A Note From The Author
Emii Girlz 4 God
iGirl iDream
Regina Live Like Your Dying
India Grace Heaven In My Heart
Elise Ribbons Of Light