Thursday, September 17, 2009

I've been tagged

I've been tagged.

When I first found out that my big sister Elise had tagged me, I thought "What on earth does that mean" Elise told me to go to her blog and there I found out what this tagging business was all about.


1. List Seven Things That Make You Awe-Summm!
2. Pass the award on to seven bloggers you read religiously.
3. Tag those seven bloggers.

Now seven things that make me Awe-Summm!!!!

No.1 I'm good at cooking

No.2 I can play guitar

No.3 I can sing

No.4 I'm good at sport

No.5 I have great family

No.6 I can talk a lot

No.7 I'm good at drawing

So as you can see I'm just Awe-Summm!!!


Now to be honset I don't know 7 blogs so I can't do the second or the third thing. So that will have to do. 


Vellvin said...

Thanks for letting me see your Blog Grace
It's really nice.

Grace said...

Hi Vellvin

Welcome to my blog!
I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Annie said...

I still don't get this tagged buisness. :( :(